To be honest - these tariffs have only two winners - China and India.

It’s like we’re all stuck in a reality show where the plot is just guy yells, makes a deal at the last minute, declares victory. It’s insane to see a president who treats diplomacy like a season finale cliffhanger. But, as you rightly point out, it’s all just a performance and the punchline is never about solving real issues.

If Trump really wants to “win” with tariffs, maybe he should try getting creative with real policy, instead of relying on temporary crises to keep his base entertained. Because, honestly, I think Canada and Mexico are more than ready to stop playing along with this charade.

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Thanks for your thoughts, Neela! As I mentioned in the piece, I wish Canada and Mexico would call Trump on his theatrical bluff. Trump uses the stock market as a barometer of his success and sustained losses, not to mention economic hardship for much of his base, would likely teach him a lesson to end the reality show and perhaps focus more on real policy.

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